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Chidren's Ministry

Children Are Welcome!

Our Children are the Future

Our youth are a group of great thinking missionaries filled with strong character, individual personalities, and perceptive senses of humor. They are a great representation of Kingdom Ambassador Center (KAC). 

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About the Children's Ministry

Check- In and Check- Out

Upon arrival to Kingdom Ambassador Center our check in center will be open for your convenience. There will be two lines, one for returning families and one specifically for new families so we can take time to answer any questions you may have. 

Parents are asked  to complete an information sheet for each of their children upon the first visit.  This ensures that we have all important information including medical concerns.

Parents will receive a badge for each child they check in. This badge will need to be presented upon check out. Leaders will ask for the sticker before the release of any child.

Children may to to their classrooms during the meet and greet portion of our service. 

When service is over children are held in the classroom until a parent is present to check them out.

Children's Church Guidelines

At Kingdom Ambassadors Center (KAC) we want your children to have a great learning experience about the power of Christ.   

  1. We ask that parents please let the volunteers know of any special medical or restroom concerns

  2. We ask that personal belongings remain with the parents in the main service. However, we encourage Bibles to be brought to children's church

  3. We encourage all children to use the restroom before coming to the children's church

  4. No outside food or drink is allowed in children's church

Are you ready to join us?

We are more than happy to have you and can't wait for you to share your gifts within our many ministries. Please fill out the contact form below and we will contact you and welcome you to Kingdom Ambassadors Center!

Proverbs 22:6

“Train up a child in the way he should go:
and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” 

Happy Children
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