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Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.  

2 Corinthians 9:7

Your Online Giving History

To see a record of your previous online donations for this year, you can log in to your Partner Portal account page and then visit your Giving History page. Visit Partner Portal

Need a Year-to-Date Statement

Kingdom Ambassadors Center & Ministries' receipts contain year-to-date donation information. Your final December receipt will indicate your annual giving. If you’ve requested that we not send receipts, please call us at 703-884-6923 or e-mail us at, and we will be happy to send you your year-end statement.


Download a copy of the US Internal Revenue Service letter classifying Kingdom Ambassador Center & Ministries as a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity.

Need a copy of the 501c (3) 

Please fill out the form below requesting to obtain a copy of the Kingdon Ambassador Center 501 C (3) letter. 

Thank you for Submitting!

Why would I need a copy of the 501c (3) 

The 501(c) (3) form is a document that nonprofit organizations use for tax purposes. As a donor to support the KAC Embassy mission and purpose, you may need this document for your tax filing purposes. 

501c (3)

 More Options To Give

Online Giving 


Use the Cash tag


KAC GoFund Me

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