Kirkon tavoitteemme on tehdä opetuslapsia kaikista kansoista ja esittää pyhät täydellisiksi Kristuksessa. Kingdom Ambassadors Centerin politiikka on tasapaino seurakunnan ja vanhimpien auktoriteettien välillä, ja se korostaa kirkon johdon lopullista auktoriteettia. Kirkon elämän kannalta on olennaista, että pyhien kirjoitusten kurinpitomalleja noudatetaan ja että kirkon johto valvoo kirkon kurinalaisuutta, niin yksilöllistä kuin yhteisöäkin.
Meillä on useita jumalanpalvelusaikatauluja, jotka ovat joustavat sinun ja perheesi aikataulun mukaan.
Start your Day with God
There’s no better way to begin the day than by connecting with God. Join us every morning as we dedicate the first moments of the day to God, seeking wisdom, strength, and grace to guide our actions and uplift our spirits.
T-mobie users
Code: 775-799-9038#
Code: 775-799-9038#
Dial: 202-926-1127
access: 102816#
Dial any of the numbers to join the prayer line. Invite a friend. God bless you!
Hour of Mircales
Hour of Miracles is a powerful time of faith and divine intervention, where we come together to witness the extraordinary hand of God at work. Join us for prayer, worship, and the expectation of miracles—healing, breakthroughs, and transformation
Date: Every Sunday
Time: 10AM -1PM
Hour of Solutions
Hour of Solution is where your deepest prayers meet God’s miraculous power. Together, we call upon Him to provide solutions, offer deliverance, and respond to every need. Come expecting answers!
Date: Second Friday of the Month
Time: 7PM - 10PM
Night of Freedom
Come experience a powerful Night of Freedom where God’s help and deliverance await you. This is a night vigil of breakthrough, where every prayer is met with His presence, and every heart is set free by His grace.
Date: Last Friday of the Month
Time: 7PM -10PM
Atmosphere of Encounter
Atmosphere of Encounter
Atmosphere of Encounter is more than a gathering—it’s an invitation to meet God in a new way. As we worship and pray, we welcome His presence to move, to heal, and to draw us into a deeper, life-changing encounter with Him
Date: Every Wednesday
Time: 7PM - 10PM