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Löydä tarkoituksesi Kingdom Ambassadors Centerin avulla

You are Welcome

Welcome to Kingdom Ambassadors Center! We're thrilled to have you here. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a returning friend, we aim to provide you with an unforgettable experience.

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Pastori Keita

Pastori Keita on Kingdom Ambassadors Centerin perustaja ja vanhempi pastori. ”Jeesuksen ihmeiden talona” tunnettu pastori Keita syntyi ja kasvoi muslimina, hänen perheensä oli vahvoja muslimeja. Koska hän jätti islamin ja kääntyi Kristukseksi, pastori Keitan elämä nyt kristittynä pastorina keskittyy suurelta osin muiden muslimien vastaanottamiseen ja kääntymiseen Kristukselle...


Our Services


Sunday Hour of Praise

Rejoice and give thanks at Sunday Hour of Praise! Join us to celebrate God’s unfailing love and rejoice in His power to deliver and uplift. Together, we praise, we thank, and we are made whole

Date: First Sunday of the Month

Time: 10AM - 1PM

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Jeremia 29:13 (KJV),

Psalmi 27:8 (KJV)

Jesaja 55:6 (KJV)

Jaakob 4:8 (KJV/NLT)

KAC:n pastorit

Pastor's of Kingdom Ambassadors Center kaikista haaratoimistoista

General Overseer

Dauda Keita

A powerful preacher, a tremendous inspiration to everyone, and is dedicated to the work of God. motive to keep visitors engaged.

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Head Pastor (Karachi Pakistan) KAC

Pastor Boota started early dedicating his life in service to God. It was evident that God had His hands on him as He guided him through service to Him.

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