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Hvorfor har jeg brug for frelse?

The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23), and in and of ourselves, we have no way to escape the punishment for sins. Without Christ, we have a one-way ticket to eternal separation from God.

However, our God is good, and our God is love (1 John 4:8, 16). And because He loves us so much, He provided a way out of hell (Matthew 5 and Mark 9) and into everlasting life (John 3:16).


Why Do I Need Salvation?

Hvordan bliver jeg frelst?

Frelsen er en gave fra Gud og kommer gennem troen på Jesus og Jesus alene.
I Johannes 14:6 fortæller Bibelen os meget tydeligt, at Kristus er den eneste vej til Gud og evigt liv, og i Rom 10:9-11 fortæller Bibelen os, hvordan vi bliver frelst og får evigt liv: Tro på vores hjerter. at Jesus døde for vore synder og blev oprejst fra graven, og bekender med vores mund, at han er vor Herre og Frelser.


For at acceptere Kristus i dit liv og blive frelst, bed venligst denne frelsesbøn.

"Himmelske Fader, tak for din kærlighed til mig, fordi du sendte Jesus Kristus til at dø på korset for alle mine synder. Hans dyrebare blod vasker mig ren. Du oprejste ham fra de døde. Han er i live i dag. Og jeg takker dig, alle mine synder er tilgivet. Jeg er retfærdig af blodet. Jeg er i Guds favør. Og jeg takker dig Fader, at godhed og barmhjertighed vil følge mig alle mit livs dage fra denne dag af. I Jesu navn, Amen."

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Why Do I Need Salvation?

Once you have accepted Jesus into your life, your entire position in God’s kingdom changes—you are no longer a sinner, but a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17), and an heir of God (Romans 8:17).

Today, as Jesus is in heaven, so are you in this world (1 John 4:17)! God loves you unconditionally and wants to bless you. He is forever on your side (Romans 8:31), and He has declared that He will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).

It is very important for you to continue hearing about Jesus and your new identity in Him, and to learn of all the blessings that He purchased at the cross for you to enjoy.

To help you begin your journey as a New Believer in Jesus Christ the Messiah, we would like to bless you with a free gift. Please click here to receive this resource that will help know all about Jesus Christ as King, Your Country Heaven, and your Rights as a CITIZEN OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD.

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