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At Sunset
Mission og vision
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Teen Prayer Group

Vores mission

Leading People to Become Faithful Followers of Jesus Christ Together in God’s World

Vi tror på, at Gud kalder os til at lede mennesker til at blive trofaste tilhængere af Jesus Kristus sammen i Guds verden. NPC er forpligtet til discipelskab, til fællesskab, til tjeneste og, vigtigst af alt, til en dyb og varig tro på Kristus.

Above the Clouds

What We Believe

About God

God is the Creator who made the universe and made us. We know and worship God as our heavenly Father, through relationship with his Son by the power of the Holy Spirit.

About You

Jesus died for you as much as for anyone else, because he loves you and values you. You matter.

About the Love of Christ

About the Church

God has given all human beings great worth and dignity by creating them in God’s image. God invites us to follow his ways, but none of us is perfect. We fall short of whom we want to be and all that God created us to be. But God does not abandon us. We are forgiven, redeemed, and made whole by Jesus Christ.

Jesus never intended for his followers to go it alone; he called them into community. All Jesus-followers are called to live out their faith within his Church. Our church is in the Presbyterian branch of Christianity. That shapes our church, but does not limit it. We share in ministry and mission with others in different branches of Christ’s Church.

About the Bible

Scripture is more than a set of guidelines or ideals. It is the Word of God, and our authority in faith and life. It tells us how human beings are to be in relationship with God and how our relationships with God and others become broken. It proclaims who Jesus Christ is and how he saves us.

About Politics

We won’t tell you how to vote. We don’t all share the same opinions on political and social issues. We do believe that biblically faithful teaching, thoughtful theological discussions and Christian maturity equip us to fulfill our calling as citizens and leaders in God’s world.

Vows of Membership

Alle medlemmer af Kingdom Ambassadors Center (KAC) aflægger følgende løfter:

  1. I tillid til Guds nådige barmhjertighed, vender du dig fra syndens veje og giver afkald på det onde og dets magt i verden? Jeg gør.

  2. Hvem er din Herre og Frelser? Jesus Kristus er min Herre og Frelser.

  3. Vil du være Kristi trofaste discipel, adlyde hans ord og vise hans kærlighed?   Jeg vil.

  4. Vil du være et trofast medlem af denne menighed, tage del i dens tilbedelse og tjeneste gennem dine bønner og gaver, dit studium og din tjeneste og således opfylde dit kald til at være en discipel af Jesus Kristus. Jeg vil.

Er du klar til at slutte dig til os?

Vi er mere end glade for at have dig og kan ikke vente på, at du deler dine gaver inden for vores mange ministerier. Udfyld venligst kontaktformularen nedenfor, og vi vil kontakte dig og byde dig velkommen til Kingdom Ambassadors Center!

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