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Our New Building 

We are so excited about the new building project for Kingdom Ambassador Center (KAC). We are so passionate about the building program and would love for you to be a part of it every step of the way.


Faith comes by hearing and hearing God’s Word (Romans 10:17), and more specifically, faith for giving comes from hearing the Word of God on giving. When building Solomon’s temple (as seen in 1 Chronicle 29:1-9), David gave first, and then the leaders gave. When the people saw the generosity of the leaders, they gave with joy.

Building Updates 

Hold visionen foran menigheden regelmæssigt ved at dele billeder eller videoopdateringer af byggeprojektet. Overvej også at konstruere et visuelt termometer, der fyldes op trinvist hver uge, efterhånden som pengene kommer ind til projektet, hvilket ikke kun hjælper kirken med at se fremskridtene, men også giver næring til deres entusiasme. Når folk ser resultater, forbliver de motiverede til at være involveret. Og momentum stiger.

How Can You Help?

We are so excited about the future that is in store for the new Kingdom Ambassador Center (KAC). Our dream is to facilitate immense growth within the body of Christ and bring forth eternal fruit for the Kingdom. Every seed that is sown to building our new church will be a blessing not for KAC but for the community it serves. Let's bring this vision to reality and help serve together!

Click the GoFundMe link below and support

King Ambassador Center (KAC) 

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