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WhatsApp-billede 2023-09-22 kl. 04.16_edite

Jeg voksede op i Gethsemane BPC, da mine forældre er medlemmer her. Da jeg var yngre, følte jeg, at det bare var en slags rutine at gå i kirke om søndagen. Men efterhånden som jeg blev ældre og lyttede til flere budskaber, begyndte jeg at forstå, at kirkegang ikke kan behandles på samme måde som at gå i skole. Vores præsts budskaber fik mig til at indse, at Gud må indtage den vigtigste plads i mit liv, ikke studier eller andre ting, som alle burde være viet til Guds ære.

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Johnson Medi

Jesus betalte det ultimative offer, han lever forsoning for synd. Han vandrede syndfri på jorden og blev henrettet for os. Han betalte det ultimative offer for os. Og han stod op på den tredje dag. Det er ved Jesu blod, vi bliver frelst på grund af alt, hvad han gjorde på korset for os. Du skal bare acceptere, hvad han har gjort for dig.

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Clara Klotey

Jeg overlevede 4 nærdødsoplevelser. Alle var smertefulde oplevelser. 3 ud af 4 blev jeg ikke sendt til noget hospital, og jeg tog heller ikke medicin. Når jeg desperat bad GUD om hjælp hver gang, overlevede jeg.

JESUS, ELSKER AF MIN SJÆL. GUD har aldrig forladt min side. PRYS HERREN JESUS.

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Vidnesbyrd om Herrens godhed

At Kingdom Ambassador Center we believe that sharing testimonies and personal stories of hope and faith, will be an inspiration to others. If you have it in your heart to share a testimony to inspire and uplift others, you are welcomed to share.

I am from a middle-class Hindu family that worships Hindu deities. I lost my father at the age of nine and a little farm was our family's only source of support.
I learned about the struggle of life through my mother's tremendous challenges, and when she fell ill, I was unable to bear the hardships. Not knowing what to do, I became very depressed.
After I had completed my academia, my elders began planning my marriage. However, because I disliked the girl, they had chosen I felt it would only disrupt her future.

In my sadness, I foolishly made my problem worse by becoming intimate with another girl and was then unable to abandon that immoral activity.

I considered my actions to be a great injustice to my mother and was so ashamed that I would not allow her to see my cowardly face.

Disgusted with life, I decided that suicide was the only way out. I told my girlfriend, and unfortunately, she decided to join me. So, at 20 years old, on May 1977, we both walked toward a fast approaching train.


Life was getting hard for me due to all the drugs that I was consuming. Then I was inivited to KAC to hear the word of GOD and since then my life changed! Thank you KAC!

- Lisa

" I am from a middle-class Hindu family that worships Hindu deities. I lost my father at the age of nine and a little farm was our family's only source of support.
I learned about the struggle of life through my mother's tremendous challenges, and when she fell ill, I was unable to bear the hardships. Not knowing what to do, I became very depressed.
After I had completed my academia, my elders began planning my marriage. However, because I disliked the girl, they had chosen I felt it would only disrupt her future.

In my sadness, I foolishly made my problem worse by becoming intimate with another girl and was then unable to abandon that immoral activity.

I considered my actions to be a great injustice to my mother and was so ashamed that I would not allow her to see my cowardly face.

Disgusted with life, I decided that suicide was the only way out. I told my girlfriend, and unfortunately, she decided to join me. So, at 20 years old, on May 1977, we both walked toward a fast approaching train."

- Harry

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