Marriage Is One Of God’s Greatest Gifts.
Kingdom Ambassdor Center (KAC) is committed to fostering strong Christian marriages that go the distance. We want to support you throughout the different seasons of your relationship and you do not have to be a member of the KAC. Whether you are engaged, newly married, or married for 10, 20, 30+ years, we have something for you!
Newlywed Couples
You’ve been married for less than 5 years. You’re learning more about your spouse, both the good and the not-so-good. You ask yourself, “Is marriage supposed to be this hard?!” We want to let you know, you’re not alone! Join other newlyweds in studying Scripture to find out God’s plan for your marriage, while gaining a renewed vision for your future. Please CLICK HERE to contact us for more information.
Engaged Couples
Congratulations! You’ve said YES and now the planning begins. While you’re sorting through the details for your big day, remember to focus on what matters most... your life after the wedding. At KAC Church, we want to help you invest in your marriage long-term by pairing you with a mentor couple to help lay a strong foundation for your marriage. Your next step is to contact our Marriage Support staff members to schedule counseling sessions for Marriage Mentoring, as well as to request a KAC Pastor to officiate your wedding ceremony.
Married Couples
You’ve been married for 5+ years and weathered many seasons together. Through life transitions, hardships, or getting older, you have been through a lot. You still love each other… but the flame of love isn’t burning as bright. Join other couples in a small group setting who want to rekindle that flame, looking to the “lover of our souls,” (Jesus) to guide the way. Please CLICK HERE to contact us for more information.
Marriage Mentors
Interested in helping an engaged couple build the foundation for a strong marriage? Becoming a mentor is simple: We’ll provide you with all the content and training materials you will need for the 7-session program. All you need to do is build a relationship with the engaged couple you’re assigned and help them wrestle through what you and your spouse may have already figured out!
Here at KAC, we use a common serving application for Leadership roles such as Marriage Mentors. Please CLICK HERE to contact us for more information.